Supporting LAID OFF Individuals WEBCAST
How we treat the individual… shows what we truly believe about everyone.
Moving forward to grab another job, to integrate within the next company, or to become part of a new team is difficult under any circumstances. Doing it within an ever-changing environment that is full of uncertainty can seem insurmountable and cause some people to become discouraged, frozen, and even depressed.
iLN team will share what an organization can do to help every person impacted by a reduction in force or layoff.
1. SUNSET/SUNRISE We provide resources to help each person “Let Go” of the past roles and “Grab On” to the Opportunities that will begin to unfold. Individuals capture the capabilities (Knowledge, Abilities, Skills, Experience, and Network) and accomplishments showing success and plan how to pursue possible options. |
2. CURRENT SITUATION PICTURE We help each individual understand what’s Not Going Well, what’s Going Well, and what is a Real Strength within life right now. It’s easy to dwell on the unknown and everything that is lost. Success requires having a balanced view to see the full picture creating the foundation to move forward. |
3. CREATE CLARITY We build the capabilities to see the most important parts of life… the top drivers of your desired life. Help each person establish a clear and compelling future to provide direction and focus to move forward |
4. SOLID PLAN We help develop an overall game plan to move forward and outline the doable next steps to provide focus and create energy. More than a list of “job search” activities – A solid plan for the Day, Week, Routines, and Navigating Life. Help get a person moving forward on what they can do to address important aspects of their life. |
5. BELIEVE Help strengthen the BELIEF in oneself and what others can do to move key parts of our life forward in the desired direction. Individuals replace stress, anxiety, and uncertainty with focus, intentional actions, and confidence to move forward to create a FUTURE. |
6. Build a NETWORK Provide ways to align critical players within life. A Significant Other, Family, Friends, Mentor, and other resources can assist you in the job search and navigating the upcoming opportunities. |
7. GROW Help individuals understand the capabilities needed to contribute within possible upcoming roles OR capabilities needed to pursue opportunities. |
8. UNIQUENESS Help each person see the past, a NOW, and a future unique to them. They aren’t following someone else’s story and they must take the lead to write what’s next in their story. A “job change” is just one experience within the journey. |